I know it may have seemed lately like The Specialists had gone the way of so many other web comics, and simply petered out after a long and slow decline. But we’re not dead yet.

This latest delay was caused by an imbalance in my brain chemistry that is commonly referred to as “depression”. I’ve realized only recently that I’ve been struggling with depression for a while now — maybe years — without knowing it. But it finally came to a head a few months ago, prompting me to seek treatment. I’m doing a lot better now, though I still have days when I’m feeling… off. I won’t bore you with a lot of details, but I will say that depression is insidious. We tend to think about it as an oppressive sadness, but that’s not always the case. For me, it mostly manifested as a nearly complete inability to expend any mental energy on anything. Staring blankly at YouTube videos for hours was doable, but writing or working felt like Herculean feats that were completely beyond my abilities.

The good news is that I have a whole scene’s worth of script written, with more on the way, so we shouldn’t have any more delays for a while (at least, not ones caused by me). Also, we’ve got something cool in the works. Hopefully I’ll be able to tell you more about it when our next page drops.

Thanks for your patience!