If you’re having trouble remembering Mark’s particular way of analyzing people’s faces and body language, it was first seen here, and explained here.

We are immensely grateful for the support of our newest patrons, Selbst AG, Robert, and Robert P (yes, two Roberts, back-to-back)! If you enjoy our work, please consider checking out our Patreon page and becoming a patron, if you can. Once we begin our next chapter, we’ll need your support to keep releasing pages at our current rate.

We have a couple of new benefits for patrons: First, there’s our writer’s circle. If you’re interested in writing, having a group of like-minded folks to inspire and advise you can really help keep you focused and accelerate your growth! Second, if you’re into tabletop role-playing games, you may be interested in our Tabletop Tuesday feature, where we’re statting up all of our heroes and villains in the Mutants & Masterminds system, as we begin work on an upcoming Specialists source book.

Oh, also, we’re doing a working session for our patrons this Wednesday (August 18th) at 9:00, Eastern Time, on our Discord server. You can come hang out and chat with us, and watch as Al pencils some new pages! For more information, check out our Patreon page!