Rawls is venturing into dangerous territory.

Please continue to vote for us on Top Webcomics this month, so that we can stay in the top hundred listings. Thank you!

We’ve started a Discord server. We’re pretty new to it, and we don’t really know what we’re doing, but we’re trying to figure it out. If you’re a Discord user, you can join here.

We’ve also set up exclusive channels for our Patreon supporters. This Wednesday, at 9:00 Eastern (7:00 Mountain), Al and I will be doing a “working session” in the patrons-only voice channel. We’ll be hanging out online while we work on the comic for a couple of hours. Patrons can drop in and join the chat, and we can also share our screens to show what we’re working on. If you’d like to join, check out our Patreon campaign. You can join for as little as a dollar a month!