Page 160.1
Today’s page is a bit of a diversion. For our big omnibus book, we decided to add a few pages. This page is being added between pages 160 ad 161 for two reasons: first, to give the fight between Mark and Hartmann a little more oomph, and second, to bump all of the following pages in the chapter back one, so that the big reveal of Jaeger’s fate is on an even-numbered page, and therefore a bit more of a surprise for first-time readers. We wanted to make sure everyone saw it before we moved it back where it belongs in the story. (Sometime soon, we’ll also be adding a new four-page introduction to the beginning of the story.)
Speaking of the omnibus, you can get your own copy by backing our Kickstarter, which has about two and a half weeks left. To be honest, we’re not on track to fund at this point, so we could really use your help, whether that means backing the campaign or just helping us spread the word.
Al is on a sabbatical right now, so we’re going to be taking a few weeks off. I’ll have a funny piece of art to put up next week (not a page), and then we’ll be on a short hiatus. I’ll announce our official return date in the next week or two.