Webcomics come in all shapes and sizes, from single-panel comic strips to sprawling “infinite canvas” show-offs who apparently have something to prove. Some people act like larger comics are better, but that’s just a myth. It’s not the size of a comic that matters, but the quality of what’s inside. I mean… right? I’ve been told — by several people, I should mention — that The Specialists is a good size. And why would they lie?

Anyway, some people might be intimidated by the latest installment of Randall Monroe’s XKCD, which allows you to click and drag its final panel to reveal a truly enormous scene. But not us! Our readers like us just the way we are… We don’t need a stupid, gigantic comic… we’re a good size…


Maybe he’s overcompensating for his usual dinky strips. Have you seen those? The Specialists is WAY bigger than those!