Friday Foreshadowing – Page 242
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So, if last update’;s most frequent guesses were accurate, I’ve come up with an idea. Perhaps, when the sword is held by one descended from the noble who originally enchanted it (the last name “Ritter” definitely helps), it imparts upon the worthy wielder, over time, all the prowess and might of it’s previous masters. Within a week, she could be the most formidable fencer in all of Germany, and stronger than any non-Ubermensch. Within a month…
At the very least, Magda looks unhappy. Serves her right.
Though I agree with the hopeful end result, I sort of would like the difference of what makes her worthy being that she does not assume to be worthy to hold the sword. The whole humility aspect. I could see the idea of how Jaeger was sort of scanned by the sword, and while it saw potential it also saw, pride, ego, hubris. Someone who would see the sword as a tool, not an entity in and of itself.
With Anke, I could see her general willingness to simply serve, to fulfill her role, yet the steel that lay beneath in continuing her function here despite the attempts Magda has made to frighten her away.
But then I suppose I like this idea as it would be based more on her as a peron thn her bloodline, though both are good.
Keep in mind that the sword had no power until the Baron bound one or more beings from the Orb into it. Whatever is making the evaluation of worthiness, it’s probably not basing that judgement on Siegfried’s ideals.