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This weekend marked the end of the Gamers Giving fund drive to help the family of Taylor Burgess, a seven-year-old Denver-area girl who is battling leukemia. The effort culminated in a 24-hour gaming event, during which I ran an eight-hour overnight D&D game. Thanks to the efforts of the many people who were involved, over $13,000 were raised, which is well above the original goal. It was a great experience, and a great success, and it was also thoroughly exhausting. Also, since I raised my goal of $500 (thanks in part to some of you!), I shaved my head and beard. You can see the horrifying result below.
This week’s Double Take is an example of what happens when I have too little time and too little sleep. Vote for us on TWC to see it; apologies in advance.

Bring me the head of Daredevil!