For those of you in the US, we’re only one day from Election Day. If you haven’t voted already, please do so. I know this gets said pretty much every four years, but this really is the most important election of our lifetimes. It’s not about right vs. left, Republican vs. Democrat. It’s about fascism vs. democracy.

If you’re a fan of this comic, then you understand that fascists are the bad guys. We like to think that a fascist regime could never arise in America, but the parallels between the Trump administration and the Nazi party in the 1930s are undeniable. Trump has scapegoated refugees and immigrants and locked them in concentration camps with appalling living conditions, where sexual abuse is routine, and women are forcibly sterilized. Trump demonizes the press, calling them the enemy of the people. He encourages his followers to use violence against his political opponents, creating his own force of heavily-armed brownshirts. And now he’s doing everything he can to corrupt our electoral processes and steal the election.

We have to vote him out, and it has to be a decisive defeat. If it’s close, he’ll cheat. And don’t pay attention to the polls that show Biden ahead. The polls don’t mean anything if people don’t vote.

Please vote. Make your voice heard, and stand together against fascism. Vote like your democracy depends on it, because it does.