Clearly, Agnes is through playing around.

In all the excitement over the new year last week, I forgot to do a Double Take! But I’m back in the game this week. Vote for us on TWC to see it!

Speaking of the new year, this is traditionally a time for people to make grand plans for improving their lives and themselves. I have lots of plans (there’s so, so much room for improvement), but the one that is relevant to readers of The Specialists is that I’m going to be completely rebuilding our website. This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while, but as of now, I’m resolving to get it done this year. If all goes according to plan, this new site will be faster, use a responsive design that will make it easier to use on tablets and smartphones, and have a bunch of other features and improvements. But it’s going to take a lot of work, and there’s a long way to go before I’m ready to show you anything that’s actually functional. I’ll start beta testing sometime in the latter half of the year.

Also, starting with this page, my wife Meg has taken on flatting duties. Flatting is the first step in coloring a page, and it’s a real chore. Al’s wife Linda would sometimes help out with the flatting in our earlier days, and I’ve been doing it for the last few years. Now Meg has taken that tedious task off of my plate, which is a big help!